Our annual Colour Run is just around the corner (whoo – whoo). Here at P&C headquarters we are super excited to bring this event of colour and fun to you.
But before we can start, we NEED your help!
See the photos below, we want to splash them all with colour! Create an environment that is inviting and fun to be around. Artwork inspires creativity and we believe this mural will create year-round happiness for all.
So how can you help, we hear you ask:
- Buy a white T-shirt for your child. You will need it for getting all the colour splashed all over you.
- Ask everyone you know if they would like to sponsor your child run. There are some amazing prizes to be given to the kids who raise the most funds (we can confirm our 1st prize is a brand-new X-BOX Series S with a 12-month game pass) and some more amazing prizes for 2nd and 3rd most with a class prize for the class that had raised the most also.
- Your sponsor has 2 ways of sponsoring your child:
- Online (via Credit or Debit Card): A unique internet link and QR Code have been issued to track your donations. Check your email or your child school back pack for a flyer with the details. You will also be able to track your sponsors with a passcode
- At school in cash: Cut out one of the donations slips from the bottom of this page. Then place it in an envelope along with your donation. Write “Colour Run Donation” in the front and just hand into the school office. No receipt or tax invoice will be provided for cash donations.