The P&C runs a strong band and strings program and is now starting recruitment for next year’s Training Band. On 8 November, all Year 2 kids were treated to a performance by our school Concert Band. Our Musical Director, Mr Dave Odams, spoke to the kids about the instruments and the band kids demonstrated playing them one instrument group at a time.
Instrument trials: Fri. 22 Nov. 9 to 11 am, school hall
Our Training Band is open to all students in Years 3–6. No experience is necessary. On 22 November 2024, professional music tutors and our Musical Director will be at the school for all Year 2 students (and any keen older students) to try out a range of instruments. Registration is not required for Year 2s. For older interested students, please email
Info night: Tue. 26 Nov. 6.30 to 7.30 pm, school hall
This evening is for parents/carers to learn more about the band programme from the Musical Director, Band Convenor & Instrument Coordinator. To help us gauge numbers, please register your interest in attending by visiting Even if you cannot attend, please complete this form so that we can be sure to keep you up to date with band recruitment activities.
Student testimonial
Here’s what one of our Year 6 band students, Sayaka, has to say about being part of the band:
“I have been in the school band for 4 years, and I play the euphonium. I think it is a great opportunity for year 3s to get into music.
For me, the band program has been a great opportunity to make friends and meet people from other grades. Doing band performances and competitions has also been a great way to build up confidence. There are many great experiences, such as band camp. This is where we spend the weekend at a camp and we do rehearsals, lessons with tutors, camp activities and a big performance. We also go on a band tour, which is where we get the day off school to do various performances. We also get to do a fun activity, such as going to the beach and getting ice cream.
During lockdown for Covid-19, when we were all learning from home, the band program was great fun. Some of the key memories were the mystery song challenge, where we got dressed up and filmed videos where we played a mystery song. Another key memory was the band performance video, where we all recorded our individual parts, and Mr Odams made them into a video.
The school band can open up doors to further musical adventures. Myself, and 2 of my peers play with the Castle Hill RSL Youth Wind Orchestra (YWO) along with former NWPS students. YWO plays at an advanced level and does a wide variety of performances, from Christmas Santa parades and the Glenhaven Carols to the National Band Championships in Melbourne next Easter.
School band has been one of the highlights of my time at NWPS. So if you’re in Year 2 and you want to play music, make new friends and have fun, then the school band is the thing for you.”