For the next 2 terms of 2021, the Building Fund Contribution has been replaced by a Voluntary Fundraising Donation. This donation amount will be used to fund approved requests from the school for equipment and improved facilities that would ordinarily be covered by P&C fundraising activities, all funds raised will go to benefit our children.
This voluntary fundraising contribution will appear on your child’s invoice issued by the school for term 3 and term 4 2021.
Background to the Building Fund
Each term, we ask the parents for a voluntary contribution to the NWPS P&C Building fund to assist with capital works to continue to improve the facilities for our students. There are limitations to the use of this fund, e.g., must be used on a building or an attachment to a building. The requests for assistance by the school for improved facilities such as replacing the smartboards, outdoor sitting tables, additional supplies for each classroom, etc. cannot be fulfilled using the building fund but can be fulfilled using the amount raised from fundraising activities.
Please note: Contributions to the Building fund are tax deductible, however contributions to the Fundraising Fund are not. Please contact us if you would rather like to make a contribution to the building fund for the taxation benefits. (Please ensure you seek your own independent taxation advice)
How do we fundraise?
The P&C works throughout the year to organise a series of opportunities to raise funds, these include events + sponsorships. Due to COVID, the NWPS P&C could only run minimal fundraising activities for the last 2 years and the scale of the events we are able to run cannot raise the $30-$40K required to fulfill the requests from the school.
We started 2021 with Colour Run which helped us raise $20K ($17K Nett), however as this was a targeted fundraising event it will be fully invested towards the mural. We are unable to plan medium to large-scale fundraising events for the rest of this year and hence are looking for new ways for parents to help P&C assist the school and fund their important equipment requests.
Please note:
Contributions to the Building fund are tax deductible, however contributions to the Fundraising Fund are not. Please contact us if you would rather to make a contribution to the building fund for the taxation benefits. (Please ensure you seek your own independent taxation advice)
More information on the Building Fund can be found here.
More information about fundraising with the NWPS P&C can be found here.