The Uniform Pool is the sole stockist for NWPS summer and winter uniforms. We also carry a wide range of other uniform clothing and accessories needed by students. We stock quality clothes and our prices are kept low as we have none of the costs a commercial business must cover.
The Uniform Pool is run by a sub-committee of the P&C. The committee members and helpers at the Uniform Pool are all parent volunteers and we welcome any offer of help, including pre-schoolers are welcome. Helping out at the Uniform Pool is not difficult and is a great way to get to know others at the school. Please contact the subcommittee for more information.
Financial assistance is available through the school for families who are experiencing difficulty purchasing a uniform. All queries should be directed to the Principal via the school office.
Please go to our Online Store to order uniform, payment, sizing guide and any related process.
The uniform pool shop front will be open on Fridays between 2:30 – 3:15pm, however online orders are accepted anytime. Please watch our news section for the latest updates and information.
For enquires please use Contact Us
Want to Volunteer in the Uniform Pool?
Volunteering in the Uniform Pool is a great way to meet other parents and have some fun along the way. Our volunteers help with over the counter sales, 2nd hand sales and packing the online orders.
Sign up here:
Second Hand Uniforms
Have your children grown out of their uniforms, or would you like to recue waste, save money and purchase 2nd hand? We have 2 options available:
Donations to the Uniform Pool – Please drop of your clean donations directly to the Uniform Pool, or leave in the school office for the team to collect. These 2nd hand uniforms are available to purchase when the shop front it open. (N.B. No Consignments available)
NWPS P&C 2nd Hand Uniform Group – You can buy and sell on our dedicated NWPS 2nd hand Uniform Facebook Group